Tag: sunnah
Revitalize Your Life with Siwak: Prophetic Wisdom Unveiled!
Introduction: In Islamic tradition, the use of Siwak, a teeth-cleaning twig, holds special significance, as it is not only a matter of personal hygiene but also carries spiritual and religious benefits. The Hadith literature contains valuable guidance from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regarding the use of Siwak, highlighting its importance and virtues.…
Skin rashes and scabies caused by mites
In the Sahihan it is narrated that Anas said, “The Messenger of Allah b has allowed Abdur Rahman bin Awf and Az-Zubayr bin Al’Awwam to wear silk garments because of a skin rash they had.” In another narration, “Abdur Rahman bin Awf and Az-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam complained to the Prophet during a battle that they…
Observe diet as part of the cure
All types of cures and medicines contain either a certain diet or preventive measures. When one falls ill, he will need to rid the body of harmful substances and bodily wastes. These three elements are what medicine is all about. There are two types of diet, a diet from what might bring an illness and…