How to Treat Sadness, Grief, and Depression


In Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provided guidance and supplications for dealing with sadness, grief, and depression. These teachings emphasize the importance of seeking Allah’s help and relying on Him in times of distress. The following guidance and supplications are derived from authentic Hadiths (narrations) and Quranic verses.

Supplications for Relief from Sadness and Grief

  1. Seeking Allah’s Mercy:
    The Prophet Muhammad taught a supplication for those afflicted by distress: “O Allah! I seek Your Mercy. Do not make me rely on my own self for an instant, and lead all my affairs to success, there is no deity except You.”
  2. Words for Distress:
    The Prophet advised reciting the words, “Allah is my Lord with Whom I associate nothing and no one,” when experiencing distress.
  3. Supplication of Jonah (Dua of Yunus):
    The supplication made by the Prophet Jonah (Yunus) in the belly of the whale is also recommended: “La ilaha illa Anta [none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)], Glorified (and Exalted) be You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers.” This supplication is said to have a powerful effect.
  4. Prayer in Times of Concern:
    When a matter of concern arises, the Prophet Muhammad would turn to prayer as a means of seeking Allah’s guidance.

The Fifteen Types of Cures for Sadness, Grief, and Depression

The Prophet’s guidance on dealing with sadness and depression can be summarized into fifteen types of cures:

  1. Affirming Allah’s Oneness in His Lordship.
  2. Affirming Allah’s Oneness in worship.
  3. Belief in the creed of Tawheed (Monotheism).
  4. Praising Allah for His justice and mercy.
  5. Acknowledging one’s own wrongdoing and injustice.
  6. Pleading to Allah using His Names and Attributes.
  7. Complete dependence on Allah.
  8. Placing hope in Allah alone.
  9. Acquiring true dependence on Allah and submitting all matters to Him.
  10. Admitting that Allah’s decisions are just and inevitable.
  11. Making the Quran a source of comfort and guidance.
  12. Seeking forgiveness through Istighfar.
  13. Repenting to Allah.
  14. Engaging in Jihad for Allah’s cause.
  15. Regularly performing prayers and acts of worship.

How Divine Remedies Affect Diseases

The Prophet’s guidance for dealing with sadness and depression addresses diseases of the heart and soul. These diseases are often caused by sins, forgetfulness of Allah, served reliance on anything other than Him. Seeking forgiveness, repentance, prayer, and devotion to Allah serve as remedies that heal the heart, restore joy, and dispel sadness.


The guidance of the Prophet Muhammad provides a comprehensive approach to dealing with sadness, grief, and depression. These teachings emphasize the importance of Tawheed (Monotheism), seeking Allah’s help, and maintaining a strong connection with Him through prayer and worship.


  • Sahihain (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • Sunan Abu Dawood
  • Musnad Imam Ahmad
  • Quranic verses from Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Al-Imran.
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