Treating sickness in general with Islamic prayer formulas

Muslim narrated that Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri said that Jibril came to the Prophet and said to him:

“0 Muhammad! Are you complaining of an illness? ” He said, “Yes. ” Jibril said, “In the Name of Allah, I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit, from every illness that might harm you and from the evil of every evil soul or envious evil eye. Allah will cure you, in the Name of Allah, I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit.”

If someone asks, “What do you say about the Hadith that Abu Dawood narrated:

“There is no Islamic prayer formula except for an evil eye or fever.”

To answer this question we say that the Hadith does not deny that the Islamic prayer formulas can be used in other instances. Instead, the Hadith only states that the Islamic prayer formulas work best for the evil eye and fever of all kinds. What further attests to this fact is that the Hadith itself narrated that Sahl Ibn Hunaif asked the Prophet and when he was touched by the evil eye, “Do the Islamic prayer formulas bring about benefits?” The Prophet then answered:

“There is no Islamic prayer formula (that works better) than in the cases of evil eye and the fever.”

To use of Islamic prayer formulas in the cases of the evil eyes various Ahadeeth, in general, allow Islamic prayer formulas. For instance, Muslims narrated that the Prophet allowed using of Islamic prayer formulas in cases of the evil eye, fever, and ant bites or sores.

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